Schools, Playgrounds & Parks

School Exterior Cleaning Services in Columbia, SC

A clean learning environment is key for every school and university. It keeps the students safe from harmful bacteria, allergens and slippery floors and playground equipment. But cleaning an educational facility isn't a walk in the park. The cleaning company you choose has to have the cleaning professionals, machinery, and chemicals required for the task. 

Our team at Pressure Washers Columbia is dedicated to offering high-quality service at a competitive rate to schools, universities, and campuses. We're committed to offering a secure, hygienic, and clean learning environment for teachers, learners, and visitors. We offer a flexible cleaning service that can accommodate your school calendar.

Playgrounds & parks

Pressure Washers Columbia offers a specialized playground cleaning and park cleaning services. We're happy to clean all parks and playgrounds, so that we can do our part in improving our city. On schools, nurseries, and public parks, playgrounds and parking lots. We have equipment to clean all exterior surfaces, whether it's wet pour surfaces, ornamental grass, play carpet or concrete.

Benefits of our pressure washing service

  • Better business. If the school is clean, it’ll attract more students, meaning better business.
  • Reduces sick days for teachers and students. A dirty environment harbors disease-causing organisms that cause sickness to both teachers and students. Cleaning the learning environment reduces these sicknesses and ensures that teachers and learners cover lessons properly.
  • Extends the life of facilities. if the environment is clean, school facilities are also likely to be clean, prolonging their lifespan.
  • Safety kids. A clean learning environment keeps children safe from slippery floors and playground equipment.


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